Career Pathway | The 10th Alumni Open Class “Professional Studies and Career Planning” is About to Start


To enhance students’ career planning abilities, increase employment competitiveness, and guide students to integrate professional studies and career planning with national and societal needs, the School of Finance, under the guidance and support of the Rongtong Foundation, has been offering elective courses “Financial Markets and Career Planning” and “Professional Studies and Career Planning” since 2015. These courses have cumulatively invited nearly 190 guest speakers and attracted over 1,600 students, with more than 3,000 auditing students from within and outside the university, earning widespread acclaim among teachers, students, and alumni.

The course aims to bridge the gap between campus and society by inviting outstanding alumni to the classroom. Many excellent alumni have taken the stage to teach, combining national financial policies, capital market frontiers, industry development trends, and their career development experiences. They also serve as career development mentors, providing students with professional guidance on career planning and offering internship and practical platforms.

The course explores a triadic teaching model of “industry analysis + professional studies + career planning,” integrating various resources and continuously enriching teaching formats. The “Four-Dimensional Space One Sixty-Year” roundtable forum invites many alumni to share their career planning and insights with students. The “Course and Industry” thinking session invites professional teachers to the classroom to interpret professional studies and talent training. Additionally, the course features “walking classrooms,” taking students to visit multiple financial institutions in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and other places to broaden their horizons and stimulate their career interests.

Finance is the lifeblood of the nation and a global language. The course focuses on the development hotspots of the new era, inviting discipline leaders and industry leaders to interpret the national financial system, national financial policies, and frontier issues in the capital market. It analyzes industry focal points and conducts courses on inclusive finance, agricultural insurance, green finance, green insurance, and technological innovation. The course is committed to cultivating students’ international vision and innovative spirit, promoting the realization of Chinese-style modernization through education modernization.

At the starting point of a new era, “Professional Studies and Career Planning” is not just a course but a responsibility and mission. On the occasion of the 10th course, we thank the Rongtong Foundation and all alumni for their meticulous guidance, and every alumnus and professional teacher for their generous support and help during the course delivery! In the future, the course will continue to aim at cultivating high-quality, application-oriented, and interdisciplinary financial talents with a solid professional foundation, international vision, and international competitiveness, as well as a sense of mission and responsibility. We will contribute wisdom and strength to building a strong financial nation and promoting high-quality financial development!

Discuss contemporary issues, clarify career planning, interact face-to-face with outstanding alumni, and receive hands-on guidance. The School of Finance’s 10th “Professional Studies and Career Planning” alumni open class awaits your participation!