Conference Presentations and Academic Publishing


On Mar 22, 2019, Professor Oleksandr Talavera visited School of Finance and presented his new working paper. As a Professor of Financial Economics at Department of Economics, Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham, Professor Talavera is broadly interested in empirical corporate finance, online-prices, big data analytics, banking, international finance, and emerging market economies.  Currently he is also involved in the UK-China ESRC-NSFC Grant on peer-to-peer lending.


In his presentation “CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS AND ACADEMIC PUBLISHING”, Professor Talavera aims to quantify the contribution of conferences to publication success of more than 4,000 papers presented at three leading economics conferences over the 2006-2012 period. The results show a positive link between conference presentation and the publishing probability in high-quality journals. Participating in major conferences is also associated with improved metrics for other measures of academic success such as the number of citations or abstract views. He documents that, while the results are broadly similar across fields, annual meetings of the American Economic Association are particularly valuable in these dimensions. His inspiring presentation awaken strong interest from faculties and students with a heated discussion.