Integrated News | The Orientation Meeting for the 2023 Specialized Class of Digital Finance Held Successfully


On October 19th, the orientation meeting of the 2023 Specialized Class of Digital Finance (SCDF) was held successfully in Ning Yi Hong dao Shuzhai at the School of Finance (SOF).

Attendees included Fan Xiaoyun, the Dean of SOF, Du Yujin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice Dean, Liu Lanbiao and Liu Wei, Vice Deans, Wang Bo, Director of the Digital Finance Research Institute, Shiyu, Academic Advisor for the 2023 SCDF, and representative teachers from the Digital Finance Research Institute, including Ge Shuyi, Lu Zhou, and Tian Da. Counselor Zhu Zhixin and the class of 2023 SCDF also participated in the orientation meeting. The ceremony was presided over by Liu Wei.

In his speech, Dean Fan Xiaoyun pointed out that in the process of China's modernization, finance and technology have a relationship of mutual empowerment and intergration. SCDF, based on the foundation of multiple disciplines such as artificial intelligence, data statistics, and finance at Nankai University, aims to cultivate high-level financial talents with multidisciplinary backgrounds. Fan Xiaoyun exhorted the SCDF students to cultivate the ability for proactive learning, engage in extensive reading, ride the winds of ideals, hoist the sails of the era, enhance their academic and practical capabilities, and contribute financial expertise to the construction of the digital age.

Liu Lanbiao, the founder and director of the Specialized Program of Digital Finance Talent Development, reviewed the preparation and establishment of the SCDF, which closely aligns with the changes of the times and the requirements of societal development and relys on the foundation of the financial technology major. Furthermore, drawing from his own experiences as a researcher and teacher, Liu Lanbiao expressed his expectations for the new students about their academic journey. He not only encouraged them to pursue the truth and perpetuate the bloodline of NKU, but also to read extensively with a clear purpose, and cultivate noble qualities to contribute to the society.

As the academic advisor for the 2023 SCDF, Shi Yu offered two pieces of advice based on her own learning experiences. Firstly, she suggested the students to affirm themselves more, maintain a sense of relaxation, and learn to cope with the pressures and uncertainties in their academic and personal lives. Secondly, she highlighted the importance of balancing work and leisure, advising students to find suitable emotional outlets to effectively ‘recharge’ themselves and contribute to their comprehensive growth.

Wang Bo put forth two insights from the perspective of constructing digital finance. First, by explaining the relationship between Digital Finance and Financial Technology from different angles, he reviewed the process of approval for the financial technology major and the expansion of the SCDF. Second, he illustrated the dominant postition of elements such as data, networks, and scenarios in today's digital transformation, and encouraged students to cherish their dreams, be vigorous in the unprecedented changes of this century, and proceed with courage and determination.

Teacher representatives of the Digital Finance Research Institute shared their experiences and insights of their work and study at SOF. Ge Shuyi offered three pieces of advice on life and learning to the class of 2023. First, she emphasized the importance of patience in learning, suggesting that building a solid foundation in the early stages of undergraduate studies can lay a strong groundwork for future development. Second, she encouraged students to construct their own “utility functions” and set goals effectively. Third, she advocated for students’ cultivation of personal interests, enrichment of extracurricular activities, and enhancement of psychological resilience.

Starting his speech by quoting the motto of 日新月异(constant innovation), Lu Zhou exhorted fellow students to strive for excellence in their studies, to build a strong foundation in academic disciplines, and to embrace the challenges in the digital era.

Tian Da encouraged fellow students to face challenges without fear, to confront difficulties directly, to enhance innovation skills, and to strive to become top-notch academic talents.

Senior representative Ding Junkai extended his welcome to the incoming freshmen of the class of 2023 and expressed his expectations for them. He encouraged fellow students to proactively and courteously seek advice from their teachers, breaking through information barriers. He also told them to stay grounded, maintain a forward-thinking mindset, be diligent in contemplation, and seize the present moment.

Through sharing his preliminary understanding of some keywords such as big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, freshman representative Wang Yunzhe called on his peers to live up to the prime of life and forge ahead with determination.

Du Yujin offered advice to students regarding their attitude towards learning and personal growth. He suggested that students should learn to embrace changes, to arm oneself with knowledge and abilities, to overcome the fear of uncertainty, and to develop the ability to adapt to various environments. Additionally, he encouraged students to face failure bravely and learn valuable lessons from them to accumulate experiences for growth. Finally, he advised students to enrich themselves during university life through continuous exploration, and thus embark on their own paths to success.

In response to the rapid rise of the digital economy and financial technology, the SCDF program aims to cultivate students of broad perspective, solid foundation, and high quality. With the top-tier domestic and international teaching resources and research conditions, the program intends to equip students with comprehensive knowledge of economic and financial theories, familiarity for financial practices, and proficiency in financial technology, data science, algorithms, and intelligent technology. The general goal is to develop individuals with strong practical skills and innovative spirit, capable of meeting the needs of the digital finance industry in areas, such as banking technology, intelligent investment advisory and algorithmic trading, insurance technology, and regulatory technology.